On the 23rd of November, the institutional assembly of the Emigrants’ Association of Vyzakia takes place in the lecture hall of Cyprus College. The idea for the establishment of the Association was born out of the love of certain progressive people with a will to offer to this community of ours.

Το 1ο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο Αποδήμων Βυζακιάς είναι:
Ντίνος Παπανδρέου Πρόεδρος
Ανδρέας Ελευθεριάδης Αντιπρόεδρος
Ευριπίδης Πολυκάρπου Γραμματέας
Ανδρέας Μυλόρδος Β.Γραμματέας
Κυριάκος Κυριάκου Ταμίας
Σταύρος Σταύρου Μέλος
Μαρία Μάτση Μέλος

The Goals of the Association, as they have been determined and approved by the first general assembly, are the following:

  • The development and strengthening of the bonds between the emigrants themselves and also with their homeland.
  • To develop initiative for collaboration with the apposite territorial authorities or other local committees of the village for the promotion of requests and the solution of problems that the community is facing.
  • More generally, the promotion, the welfare, the progress and the development of Vyzakia’s community.
  • Contributing to the preservation of the religious and cultural heritage of our community.

The 2004 Administrative Council consists of:
Stavros Stavrou (President), Georgios Karasiali (Vice-President), Evaggelos Evaggelou (Secretary), Georgios Christoforou (Assistant Secretary), Dimitris Dimitriou (Treasurer), Sotiris Mylordos (Assistant Treasurer), Kypros Kyprianou (Public Relations), Maria Matsi (Member), Loukia Kyriakidou (Member), Sotiris Markitanis (Member), Michalis Christodoulou (Member), Niki Ioannidou (Member), Nikos Kalapaliki (Member).

Until today, our Association has registered 183 members and this effort will continue on a permanent basis. The registration of each member costs ?5.00 and the annual subscription ?10.00. Using this opportunity, we invite all the Emigrants of Vyzakia to register and become members of our Association.

Through the various events it organises, the main one being the annual ball, the Association finances our community for its communal projects.

For more information apply to the President of the Emigrants, Mr Stavros Stavrou
TEL: 99611283 / 22437101 / 22522862
FAX: 22347203
or the Community Council
TEL: 22874660
FAX: 22874661

This year, in January 2004, we founded the Cultural Group of Vyzakia. Fundamental objective is the maintenance and growth of the cultural heritage of Cyprus and Hellenism more generally. At the first stage we functioned the dancing group that is constituted from 60 individuals of various ages from our community (children of the Public school, High school and adults).

The council is composed by: Soteris Neoptolemou, Nicos Mylordos, Christodoulos Christodoulou, Michalis Agapiou, Theofanis Theofanous and Koulla Andreou.

The institution of Blood donation, is an institution that is carried out three times every year in our Community. We began for first time in October 2003 and we have accomplished to be distinguished in the first ten communities of Solea region that is constituted from 37 communities. Our concern is to continue offering as much as possible help to the people that need it.

The committee is composed by: Soteris Neoptolemou, Koulla Andreou, Maria Loizou Alexandrou and Michael Th. Michael.